When they are a month old, you must redeem them at the redemption price set at five shekels of silver, according to the sanctuary shekel, which weighs twenty gerahs. 其中在一月之外所当赎的,要照你所估定的价,按圣所的平,用银子五舍客勒赎出来(一舍客勒是二十季拉)。
If many years remain, he must pay for his redemption a larger share of the price paid for him. 若缺少的年数多,就要按着年数,从买价中偿还他的赎价。
The gross redemption yield of a bond is simply the average rate at which the sum of the future coupon payments and redemption proceeds are discounted to equate their value to the current market price. 债券的总赎回收益率,简单来说,就是使未来的息票兑现额和赎回收益的总和等于当前的市场价格的平均利率。
Redeem oneself [ a person's life] A bond which pays no interest but is priced, at issue, at a discount from its redemption price. 一种在到期前不支付利息的债券,该债券的发行价格为其赎回价格的一个折扣值。
Preference shares which may be callable for redemption at a specified price 按指定价格通知赎回的优先股
The price, specified at issuance, at which a bond or preferred stock can be redeemed by the issuer. Also called redemption price. 发行机构提前赎回债券或优先股所支付的价格,在发行时此价格即定,又叫赎回价格。
An Analysis of Equilibrium Mechanisms for Redemption Price of Shares 股权回购价格均衡机理分析
To cope with large scale unpredictable redemption, fund managers must keep large amount of cash, even have to sell assets on a low price, which cause loss of fund net valve. 为了应对大规模不可预见的赎回,基金必须保留大量现金来应付赎回,甚至不得不在低价位卖出基金资产,造成基金净值的损失。
Combining the explanations of the mobility, we make the following definition: open-end fund liquidity risk means the fund is facing redemption pressure, in its realizable assets held by the process of price uncertainty and may suffer losses. 结合有关流动性的解释,我们作如下定义:开放式基金流动性风险是指基金面对赎回压力时,其所持资产在变现过程中价格的不确定性和可能遭受的损失。
When large redemption or even gigantic redemption happens, fund managers will have to sell part of their securities portfolio in a lower price, which will cause substantial loss of open-end fund. 当投资者进行赎回特别是巨额赎回时,基金管理人可能由于不能以一个合适的价格变现其资产而遭受损失。
The cause for her loss of the Garden is her original sin, which leads to her murdering of Alec. Afterwards, her redemption and regeneration are the price she must pay for her crime. Tess丧失伊甸园的原因是因为她所犯的原罪,由此也直接导致了她的谋杀罪,她后来所经历的救赎与再生则是她为了自己的谋杀罪所需付出的代价。